AN EPIPHANY: The Cognitively Intolerable But True.

It’s the first day of February in the new year (2023). So far so good, not perfectly as planned but fairly progressive. God willing, the year pans out just as nicely. It’s just been hitting me, more than usual, that some things just don’t change. Some paths, however travelled, lead to a single destination.

While the world appears wide, random and filled with barrages of concepts and outcomes, it might not be as complex. Modernism in the first quarter of the 21st Century has grown to be inclusive of many things, some of which humanity once looked at as unconventional, hence intentionally bloating them from recorded human history.

You know, postulations of what we know of our physical world right down to fundamental human rights. It certainly has to be a lot if not everything. After all, it is the victors of a war that narrate it.

That’s cute and important…definitely important. Atop that, what matters is the evolution of how human beings (us) treat each other. As put across in the paragraph above, some things do not change. They are unaffected by times, evolution and all that keeps the planet softly dancing its way around our mighty sun. Since time immemorial, we have treated each other based on necessity, affection, and some more abstract political notions.

In 2023, a time where there is an emphasis on excess and individualism, a few people, decent people if you will, are reformists and still about prioritizing the needs of others, genuinely addressing their concerns. In their nobility, they have honed the ability to take care of those around them and in exchange, their dependants’ learned how to better extract from them.

In no time, the protagonist burns out from setting themselves on fire to keep them warm. Even the will that resides in the goodness of their hearts, dims out, not because of reciprocal expectations but simply because givers will always be givers and takers will always be takers.

For the givers out there, it is imperative that you set limits seeing that takers have none. It has been so since the advent of man. Remember, a good, genuine giver only attracts a good, genuine taker.

Another epiphany I had; nature will not accord us peace or stability until we chose people who chose us and run with them. I’ve always been grateful for understanding my role and timelines in other’s people lives because when it has come to mine, they are always deadly accurate.

None of us is indispensable. Our usefulness to people in situations is both a virtuous and vicious cycle, depending on how you approach it. Involuntarily detaching from companions has always been displeasing, especially if one party did not intend to sever ties so wildly however predictable it looked. In the end, consequently, feelings of resentment stir the mind and persona. I guess the lesson is that most unions with a beginning have an end.

For most people, it is not about what we walk away from it is what we walk away with. You know damn well how this goes, since the advent of man. A precaution may include foreseeing the end to insulate oneself from discontent at the end.

On the other hand and positive note, in the age of modern man, humans have forged sturdy bonds through the very same factors: necessity, affection and status.

For as long as we genuinely and consistently uphold those who have chosen us as we chose them, there is an opportunity for mankind to thrive, as has been since time immemorial.

I reckon that you do right by your peoples from here going forward. Chose those that chose you, and run with them in this marathon that is life.



Honestly bro it’s like…(this 50% of my Twitter dialect).

They say expertise is honed when there is focus in a singular or narrowed upon area. It is not enough to know something about everything, knowing one thing and thing only truly well, achieving god level mastery is where it’s at apparently.

What then happens to us who keep an open mind? Those who take an interest with whatever cards that they’re dealt with, those who go beyond that to explore more of life’s offerings. The truth is, the world is a huge place, both physically and ideologically, a vast space with so much to cover in a short time that is our lifespan.

Photo by Pixabay on

Nonetheless, when you take time to observe from a safe distance, everything boils down to the innate human behavior, predisposed mindsets and fundamental human rights. From here, everything goes, no matter how complex things appear.

Amidst this pandemonium, where do you fit? What do you do? Who are you with? Are you alone or entirely by yourself?

Most importantly, what do you offer?

Photo by Anna Tarazevich on


It’s been long, a long time coming, since it’s been you and I on here. Two years later, multiple events across our lives. I had to see it through that we kicked it once more, for the sake of old times, good times, what came by and what is to come.

We left it off at the onset of what is the most severe health pandemic of the past century. It was a frantic time, a time of despair, a period of distraught. To this day, the aftermath lingers, in different proportions across the world’s diverse peoples. National systems, religious faiths, academic research and scientific narratives have been tested…pushed to limits if you will. Processes in logistics and supply chains have been redesigned to acclimate to new requirement, potentially forever.

Nonetheless, a silver lining, seen from afar, came upon on us as a virus was procured for the world, to aid combat the virus. Global freight worked to get vials round the planet, making diplomacies like never before. It was a breather for us all. We would live through this after all. Summarily, we are the first of the ‘New Normal’.

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on

For me, it’s been twists and turns, peaks and valleys, gain and loss, a can of laughter and tears. Boy, I may have lived out that one chapter from the book of Ecclesiastes, the one on there being a time for everything.

Privilege and luck adding up to a blessing is a thing. This is so as unlike many others across the country, I continued with my college studies almost uninterrupted, albeit online. The learning, while not equivalent to the convention prior, was valid and sufficient. Additionally, business boomed, and a couple of contingency orders proved viable for my pockets. I guess I couldn’t have a moral stand against alleged profiteers who thrive in times of havoc could I? Lmao.

To that effect, later that year I’d meet new friends and end up with a girlfriend. A wholesome and loving individual thank God. I’ll admit that, I was a novice (still am, maybe?) when it came to matters of the heart. Nonetheless, we were in it as equal entrants, and so it was easier to communicate and navigate past what would be otherwise problematic. It was cute, young, not so dumb, maybe broke and featured a hint of prospect. Sadly, it came to an end after a number of months.

Photo by cottonbro on

Assured of second-tier honours,I completed my coursework and submitted my projects in 2021. Otherwise, I’d put up a fight haha! Graduation was imminent. Kanye’s Graduation album was close to heart!

A disheartening experience, all the same, would happen at this time. On Rehearsal Day, my dear Grandfather (Lord rest His soul in Heaven), made his transition. A barrage of emotions would fill the air throughout the graduation and funeral ceremonies. Thank goodness for trusted friends who did what they had to, and faithfully stood by my family’s side even prior to his passing. Throughout the past year, my grandfather had been unwell, enduring the late stage of cancer. Lord knows, he and we, gave our best.

Amongst his 8 siblings, he was one of the 2 most lovable characters, exuding a brilliant sense of humour, open arms where all found warmth and a remarkable work ethic. He teamed up with an equally fiery partner, his wife and my lovely grandma, coursing through an excess of 40 years, blessed with 5 kids.

We mostly spent time as a trio, as I subliminally dissected why and how they’d managed to accomplish so much, in so long, together. Alas! the pair had apparently been roast buddies since their teens, and in their golden age, persisted at it haha!

Anyway, life is not a romantic comedy, they certainly put in so much more into their union.

The Trio

Even in Grandpa’s demise, I’d been grateful to have shared priceless moments with him, picking up valuable lessons and memories throughout life, a practice I intend to keep with those whom I cross paths with…whenever, wherever, however.

Then came December, a second graduation, this time for my undergraduate degree. It’d been an amazing 4 years, choke full of memories, challenges and new experiences. College life is really something. If you’re in it, embrace it fully. Optimize what it takes to leave an all-rounded individual.

As you can tell, the drip was hard or whatever Lil Baby said. The point is, it was a ‘bonge la sherehe‘ as we say it in Kenya.

A time to lift the veil of reality beckons us, to step out and interact with the world as it is, perhaps with better intentions, better methods and an eye for the long-term goal. Several elders I know advise that with an assortment of, God’s approval, a good heart, a willing body and a handful of the right companions, we should do more than fine. To be honest, I intend to see how it unfolds this year for starters while having an active hand in the same.

What about you?


Welcome to Strathmore entertainment zone. This , however, is outside the convention within campus, yet very much integral of SU’s culture.

Console games entertainment thrives and pumps life within the basement of Siwaka, also known as Siwaka Plaza. The building is located a few meters outside the campus. Nonetheless, it is always a marvel just how much it is part and parcel of this institution of ours.

Some call it home, many chose to enjoy delectable foods served as snacks and hot lunch and most call it the home of entertainment.

Video games is what….and so welcome to the hub of entertainment that is the legendary. Battles have been dreaded, friendships and unions have been forged over gaming consoles and controllers.

Being a haven for gamers, it houses multiple gaming lounges, designed and built for ergonomic comfort, friendly challenges as well as fierce competition. It really is the conducive environment for ultimate gaming and entertainment. How conducive? It features top of the range couches, air conditioning, snack bars, sizeable 4K ultra HD TV screens, surround music systems, the whole array of colors in lighting…I mean…..shall I go on?

It also includes the latest and best performing gaming consoles including PlayStation 4 and XBOX 1. These come with multiple accessories engineered to make your gaming experience even much more interactive and exclusive.

With different games and arcade modes, Siwaka Plaza has managed to accommodate needs and interests of many students, staff and visitors alike…with the name popular across the city as well surrounding campuses.

The most common video game played and shared is FIFA, a sports soccer type of game that allows for multiplayer modes. Competitions , tournaments and challenges are organized numerous times throughout semesters. Hundreds attend, tens win and hundreds celebrate.

Many come from far, just to indulge in the gaming culture…to have a taste of it, to savor the most they could.

As a matter of fact, I challenge you to a match of FIFA 2020.


As if World War 3 possibilities,Australian wildfires, Kobe’s and Gigi’s demise and the locust infestation weren’t enough, COVID-19 is proving to be relentless in establishing villainous global dominance. It feels like a bad movie. Where is the protagonist destined to end all this? Just what is 2020?

not-today-covid19-sign-on-wooden-stool-3952231 (1)

Given the high death toll, shutting down of the world as we know it and the future obliteration of the human society it promises, it may not be noble to dissect it,especially from just an opinionated point of view. At least, we’d first have to steer past the unproven narratives, conspiracies and the geopolitical aspects of it and reach bare facts before people like myself can attempt to give educated remarks.

What I can do, however, is think about it. Today, we completed our 4th semester of my diploma and consequently the course itself. You know how the rest goes. The interesting part is that the latter quarter of this semester was covered online, with students and lecturers in their respective homes. With an arsenal of internet connectivity, a mobile phone with a nice selfie camera, stationery and the mere desire to wake up in good time, we managed to call it a semester earlier this evening.Keep in mind, I am one in maybe 15,000 students that has such resources. With schools closed, learning has ended for many. Nonetheless, my context is somewhat bittersweet. The convention after completing classes is that we proceed to chug liters upon liters of booze. The convention is that we get to say goodbye to friends and staff. The convention is one final hug/pat on the back. We weren’t getting none.

The macro effect of COVID 19 happens to have fallen on those who work to keep us in college. These are farmers, corporate and civil servants, doctors, nurses, mechanics, hoteliers, engineers, plumbers, drivers, teachers, security personnel and more.This is society. Today, President Kenyatta announced a lock down of Nairobi, Kwale, Kilifi and Mombasa counties. From here going forth you get the gist of it. You already know the repercussions behind and ahead of this decision.

It is said that such an occurrence dawns on the world every century. 100 years ago was the Spanish flu that took with it 40-50 million lives. Between 1817-1823 Cholera had a death toll of 1 million.  In 1520, Smallpox was at its prime, killing some 56 million people. With other flu’s and outbreaks throughout the years, some argue that we just happen to be caught in the vicious cycle of outbreaks. Almost superstitious if you ask me. Almost because it maintains validity as a proposal that cannot simply be discarded. Time has a way of explaining things.

Others have given life to outrageous claims that the spread of it is owed to installation of 5G network satellites across towns and cities. This makes it sound like a planned obliteration of mankind. Funny enough, this theory has the endorsement of a number of celebrities and influential persons. This has to be the most ignorant and arrogant assertion of a conspiracy theory.

More theories including it being some Central Intelligence Agency and Chinese government fiasco, the man-eat-bat scientific narrative (backed up by numerous scientific tests) and the theory of the virus being concocted in a laboratory as part of the New World Order’s procedures to take over the world.

Whatever it is, there is no shade of doubt that it is devastating and a high risk situation. Governments, such as ours, are taking necessary measures to prevent further dissemination of this Eastern killer (I have no intent to be politically correct on this one). Thank the heavens that Africa is the least affected place on earth.

To that effect, much gratitude to all essential workers out there taking care of my needs. As I write this, I must acknowledge it could not be possible without the customer service of one of the home fiber providers in the country. I couldn’t be more grateful for the doctors, nurses, drivers, farmers, vendors and other service providers who risk catching the currently incurable virus by leaving the protection of their homes to provide for us. Moreover, there are those who have cut charges of what they offer for profit while some have donated generously. This is the best thing about being human. There is magic in actions motivated by the spirit of humanity. It is what keeps us going. It is what gets us through the pains of natural selection, capitalism and deliberate atrocities inflicted by those that tread the evil path.

Normally, people do not trust their governments. We are not even wired to.At this time, however, we have to overcome prejudices against our governments and adhere to directives in order to improve our chances of survival.

Prayer is also a critical component in increasing our chances of winning this biological war. It is God after all that brought us to this world. He wouldn’t wish pain and suffering upon us but has called for prayer, repentance and active faith.

Therefore, no weapon formed against us will prosper, in as much as it is welcome to form.

Stay home, stay safe.




For Insomnia’s Sake!

A new year and decade dawned on us last month. ‘2020 and beyond!’

Does it really matter? Are we just wired to annually get minute-length spasms of excitement? Someone wise told me, “It all depends with how you look at it,” as I lit a double switch cigarette.

It’s all fine….from where I sit,where I type rather, consciousness and conscious investment of efforts is all that really matters.

In today’s world, knowledge (fortunately or unfortunately) spreads faster than wisdom. With this statement slowly solidifying our reality, easy it has become to be more oblivious of our real environment. That is reason to be afraid. It is reason to be afraid enough to consciously seek wisdom to process this much information rushing through our faces.

Damn it though, maybe the need to survive surpasses the need to thrive to the fullest by wholly exploring ourselves.So could it be ‘fuck your dreams until everyone can have three meals a day?’ I’ll leave you to procure your knowledge of capitalism, communism, morality, religion, logic and human conscience to that statement.

On my own, the notion of compromise lurks around my everyday life. ‘You can have this but you gotta let this go’, ‘Give that to me, I give this to you’.

Unwritten rules of the jungle or what some refer to as Rule of Thumb have got to be the most vicious or convenient…depending on whether you’re the eater or the eaten. Wins and losses are part of the game. Maybe one’s cake of consistency topped with an icing of luck is their remedy.

I’m yet to understand who or what is supposed to set standards on how we walk our worldly journeys. Who determines what is enough, little or excess? Who determines what is good and bad?

Are we misinterpreting God? Are we quoting Him according to what works for us?

Is it that we have taken non-factual predispositions and recited them into truth? To some extent yes. To a verifiable extent we haven’t.

Anyhow, to each his own.

But mandatorily, to each a great year and decade.

Just About Whore

It was temperate weekend afternoon . She stretched her young lithe body across her bed as she watched the film Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation. Interesting movie for 19-year-old Maya…intriguing taste in art I’d say. She had always liked action movies-those which had a short rationale behind rich acts of violence, speed and overall adrenaline. Typical Hollywood blockbusters. Not to stir discomfort but we both know damn well not many girls cared for such.

Nonetheless,this was probably the last piece of her innocence,key word being probably.

Throughout the years through her childhood and teenage life, Maya had always kept it decent. She wasn’t wildly adventurous neither was she laggardly. Discipline, decency and humility were her cardinal virtues. They morphed her into a nice young lady.

Given a typical girl’s teenage life, she always tried and succeeded in keeping it calm-except the times she naturally could not.In school, she performed just about exceptionally well. Her efforts were as well just above average.

Boys? Goddamn right. Right in the sense that her relations with male companions were straight up platonic…what many people would call healthy. She wasn’t an open book and so unless she told….you’d never know the guy feeding her stomach butterflies.

Maya, in her pretty active life, knew how to play it subtle with matters of feelings, opposite sex attraction and the like. Her friends jumped out of their skins at the kick of animal instincts for bodily pleasures. Maya? In control of her inner whore.

She maintained deep beliefs as well as the frugality of Christianity, not being one to slip up when her very own friends explored sex,drugs, relationships,college hype and new friendships.

How’d she manage to be friendly and extroverted yet so collected and preserved? Just as I assumed she was the alcoholic and drug turned out she wasn’t.

Was she among the few that tamed their animal desires? Was she the moral equivalent of a priest? Did she have a secret release?

Was she simply oblivious of her surroundings?

One thing I derived and asserted….she was curious.



The Strategic Insight Academy recently assisted to secure a win-win situation between sorghum producers, the government of Kenya and brewer, East African Breweries Limited. This was through a campaign christened, Save The Sorghum.

See, the challenge arose when the revenue authority went ahead to implement a directive on tax remission. The government took on to rescinding tax remission on excise tax for sorghum-based Senator Keg by up to 80%. Given the action reaction basis, EABL reacted by cancelling by cancelling sorghum purchase and ultimately closing beer production lines.

The collateral of this included acutely increased redundancy, decreased demand and losses amongst retailers.sorghum

Led our able Anne Wangalachi, SIA was able to develop and ultimately implement an approach. The immediate objective was to combat the move to increase excise duty for sorghum-derived beer. Stakeholders and shareholders involved included county governments through lobbying, economic researchers, small-scale farmers through mobilizing, media(s) through sensitizing among others.

Through Tegemeo Institute, it was derived that Senator Keg would come to a halt if the excise tax was sustained, ultimately resulting in decreased tax revenue. In other words, the government would lose in the end. After all, farmers would be restricted to means of production therefore losing livelihoods and the tax man would lose income as well. The excise would introduce a vicious cycle to the industry.

The campaign highlighted the $400,000,000 (41,102,000,000 shillings) value chain of investments by brewers and their stakeholders. This was expressed using both national level and grassroots level strategies.

Upon efficient lobbying, traction was gained with the Presidency, Finance Ministers and Parliament.1 million signatures were garnered to ascent to the petition.

His Excellency, President U. Kenyatta signed into law the Alcoholic Drinks Control (Amendment) 2015. The Act granted remission of excise duty at 90% with respect to beer made from sorghum grown in Kenya.

In conclusion, joined efforts through effective advocacy, sensitizing, mobilizing and lobbying contributed to this solid success. SIA was confident in advocacy and alas! It bore fruit.


Victory for all.


Some time back I was walking across Nairobi CBD towards Bus Station where I’d board a ‘jav’ to school. The streets were packed with citizens making their way east west left right and centre of me…kind of like the matrix only more hazardous. Hazardous? Matatu drivers would rather die than let you cross the road…even if there’s a traffic snarl up on their route. If I am honest, I hate it and it’s not quite something pleasing to get used to. I hate it when someone in front of me slows my pace and I’m left to recalculate my swaggered steps. Repulsive is what I called it. It really does distort my peace.

On the same day later on at night, I tuned to the news bulletin. Typical of content and context were multi-billion white collar scandals, politicised interviews and fatalities caused by domestic wrangles all the way to accidents. Of course it’s sad and by nature, I slipped into the deduction that Kenya does not have peace.

How many of you are in business or some kind of commercial activity? Recently there’s been a series of outcries from SME’s (Small Medium Enterprises) across the state. Note this group comprises the biggest contributors to the contemporary economy. Their troubles have included economic policies that kill their cause and course of business, enacted by the current regime. I can only imagine how livelihoods are going through a distasteful course of fate. Perhaps then I should be left to say there is no peace, right?

Here’s what we can figure though, look at Sudan, Yemen, Palestine, Syria, Cameroon and Venezuela. These countries have one thing in common;war. Do you know what comes with war? Peace maybe? NOPE! War comes with absolute and literal lack of peace, best believe and rather not experience.

I’m sure you possess knowledge of the gruesome happenings in these states but let’s come closer to home and into perspective with our north western neighbor, Sudan.

In Sudan, the regime is playing Russian Roulette with its people…only that the pro-democratic populace doesn’t get an equally menacing chance to retaliate. The result? Atrocities against humanity with scores in the hundreds ,deceased. Men, women and a 6 year old girl were reportedly raped by 10 men in a mosque. Just read that last part again…and again, then picture it. Picture the rot in that and do not simply try to get over it. How many of us have 6 year old sisters,cousins, nieces,friends and neighbors? Let’s appreciate the gravity of the matter for a moment. All this is primarily because of vicious leadership and unresting political wrangles.

To that effect, hospitals have been attacked in military raids, internet access has been shut down and bodies of pro-democracy supporters are being dumped in the Nile. Does a Netflix franchise come to mind? Narcos maybe? Whichever it is, keep in kind this is more real than Hollywood could depict. So then, what and where is peace here? I wish they only had to worry about the streets being jammed with people going about their affairs. I anguish in distraught wishing they had such a luxury…the one I so take for granted.

Here in Kenya, how long would we last with two hospitals getting flattened in a major city? How long can I go without internet access?…or how would it be if I tweeted something against Jubilee governance and risked demise? The fact that I do not relate is owed to peace. Peace in Kenya.

Adding salt to Sudan’s injury is the disturbing fact that the world doesn’t give two shits about Hell establishing a branch there. The globe is going about its business ignoring a whole nation that cries and bleeds. Sudan isn’t trending and troops haven’t been sent to salvage the situation. Remember the Notre Dame situation some time back? Where are those oligarchs now? Where is religion when it is practically needed?

Imagine Kenya in such a scenario. Imagine you cannot attend lectures, imagine you cannot get medical services when you need them…Imagine being a six year old girl.

So then, Kenya has peace and if you wouldn’t concur I’m sure you agree to an ambience of it at least. To that effect,people like myself need to seriously appreciate the peace we enjoy. It contributes to a peace of mind, a commodity selling expensively in our world today.

Let’s fight for representation of the rights of our brothers and sisters in Sudan and across the world going through war,death, disease, displacement and related suffering. Let’s no get tired of tweeting, posting and lobbying for the rights of the Sudanese people.

Please, if there a way to reach out physically through donations and other kinds of works, let us push it through.

Peace and love to ye.

As I See It.

See, lately it’s been easier for me to laugh out loud than to simply smile. Equally, it is not foreign that I slip into deep thoughts on life’s reality. Sometimes, I try hard to evade these thoughts(which I have a strong affinity towards) on the basis that I am young and should instead pursue constantly fizzed joy.

See, don’t get me wrong…happiness is the ultimate goal for all mankind, me included. However, the more I continue to understand these things, the more I acknowledge my ignorance…and the more I somewhat conclude of serenity in death. Once again my friends, I’m no sadist, just a realist. A realist? A believer of magic!

So…why have I been bursting out shreds of laughter only to sink in uncozy moods? The laughter is basically because of the endless jokes, good times full of sarcasm and a witty personality outside this written world. When I begin to think, then and then a bad aura sets in. I am not even faithful with this stance ’emotional stability’. How does the concept even thrive with the inconsistency of events so far? April’s Fools this year just came at the wrong time.

life photo

See, my year so far, has been great as characterised by my small but multiple victories, more constructive human relationships, memes and of course increased knowledge. These are some of the things that bring me fulfilment.  On the other hand, things that haven’t quite occurred to me, bring on a sizeable sad impact.


U.S rapper Nipsey Hussle was fatally shot outside his clothes store in Los Angeles, California. Last year, Swedish Dj Avicii, took his own life(apparently) in Oman in the Middle East. Why the mention of these two who have lived in environment different from mine and many kilometres away from me? Their enthusiasm for life, community and love in music is what. I looked up to them, worked to pick out their best components to further enrich my own vision, my life, my attitude and behaviour. I have learnt a huge deal that I have in so far gone ahead to practice.

Their impact is huge and will in fact live on after them. Their impact in me, I know will thrive for sure. May they both rest in power.

One thing for sure, my spirits were down and quite almost at their lowest. Celebrity deaths never meant anything really apart from the usual crowd reactions…(or just celebrities I am not a fan of). Avicii’s demise? Felt it to the core of my existence. I mean…this was someone who’s music lifted my spirits from the pangs of sadness, teenage confusion and constant losses. Happy vibes from his music are honestly kept me by most of the times. Imagine you had this big brother who was constantly smiling and came to your rescue whenever life bullied you. Who would expect him to kick the bucket so abruptly and in such a way? Not me, couldn’t have been me.

I was happy last week after, it was announced that his family is set to open a mental rehabilitation centre in his memory. I screamed, Long live Avicii!

Nipsey Hussle on the other hand, lived by what is part of my life’s clarion call and opening to a  larger manifesto, “Born to serve.” as some of you know. From reinvesting wealth in his community when he could have easily owned a some mansion in the opulent Beverley Hills area, achieving peace in his heavily gang related community and being there for everyone, all this closely matches with my goals.He had a big heart and a kind of vision through which he saw potential in everyone around him. That’s why he gave so much to different facets of his Los Angeles community, from art centres for kids, basketball courts  and more. He intended to open an eatery and barber shop to be ran by people of Crenshaw by the end of 2019. Moreover, he was a gifted rapper that made it into the 2019 Grammy nomination stage. Whether you enjoyed his music or not, you simply could not miss him. At this time, I will not engage with his works of Dr. Sebi’s documentary which scoped on the HIV virus and government but I will acknowledge that he stood for truth…which not many will. I don’t think I will ever understand why his demise was at his peak, his most optimum…am I even meant to in the first place?Is it a conspiratorial fate or just life? Sometimes I stop to think…to connect the dots…my conclusion is usually one, Just live to the best you know, it’ll be the best.

This is my tribute to the late Avicii and Nipsey. This life is meant to be enjoyed, after all, happiness is our end. A legacy is what we shall be remembered for. Perhaps to make the best of it is to pursue, cherish and stand up to our unique callings, with courage,commitment, humility and most importantly love….love that is pure, love that is kind, love that is not jealous or resentful.

From both of them, I took away that we can make the optimum best with our time in this world as long as we are genuine.How are we genuine? We are if we are CONSISTENT. We are heroes as long as we practice consistency with our lives’ purpose.

In the end, these are the things that make me smile…before laughing out loud like a fool.

Can you see now?